
Výměnný program s Iry


Financováno EUOd 08. do 11. května 2024 vybraná část studentů z kvinty hostila v rámci výměnného pobytu delegáty až ze samotného Smaragdového ostrova. To vše pod dohledem a s organizací paní profesorek Coufalové a Valentové.

Vyjmenovávat v chronologickém uspořádání veškeré aktivity by pravděpodobně nebylo v rozsahu tohoto zápisu, i tedy si dovolím vytáhnout pouze jeden z pernějších dnů, který může sloužit jako reprezentativní vzorek celého pobytu.

Tento den, jedná se o sobotu, byl rozdělen na dvě části: náplní první z nich byla dopolední prohlídka Koněpruských jeskyň. Zde se projevil jeden z našich nejlepších angličtinářů, jenž se zhostil tlumočení slov paní průvodkyně, která neoplývala znalostí cizích jazyků.

V druhé polovině dne jsme navštívili nedaleký Karlštejn. Ač jsme se všichni napříč rodnými státy shodli na nesmírné kráse tohoto historického klenotu, některé ani tato pobídka nepobídla dostatečně, a ti tedy zůstali na úpatí kopce. I tak zde mohli nalézt množství stánků a obchodů, které je zaměstaly po dobu trvání prohlídky.

Ačkoliv jsem většinu bodů pobytu nechal propadnout análům historie, doufám, že i tak je jasné, že program nebyl marným, nýbrž velmi “květnatým” pro obě strany. Všehovšudy byli všichni účastníci se vším patřičně spokojeni a my už se nemůžeme dočkat irské reciprocity české pohostinnosti, která se má odehrávat v podzimních měsících tohoto roku.

Jakub Kuchařík, kvinta

I was scared at first and didn't know what to expect, but it turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. I was afraid of the communication but it was absolutely fine, and there were no problem with it. I think the program was great; we did so many things, and it wasn't too short or too long, so we could meet afterwards. I wouldn't change anything about it (just that I would like to have them here longer). I'm sooo glad and happy that I could meet such nice people like them????????????


I really enjoyed this exchange. We were talking about culture differences so I also learned many things about Ireland. I also feel that my english is much better than it was before. And also I visited places here in the Czech Republic where I’ve never been before. It was nice to meet some new friends. All in all I’m really happy to be part of the exchange.


It was really nice (but also tiring) experience - for me as an individual but also for us as a whole class - meeting almost complete stranges from different culture and with different languege, hosting them, taking care of someone other than myself and finding and sharing fun moments...  all in all, it has taught me a lot, and I quite enjoyed seeing the culture differences, even though it can be a bit difficult sometimes…


My experience with the exchange was very positive. The Irish students were nice, kind and very fun to be around. I had a great time with them. The program was very nicely planned and I think we all enjoyed it. It was also a great way to enhance speaking skills in our class. I am looking forward to seeing the Irish students again in a few months.

Thank you guys for 5 amazing days. Even though I couldn't be with you all the time, I still made some amazing memories. Alex was a really cool and positive guy and I can’t wait to see him again. The weather was very pleasant all the time, so the trip to caves and castle was beautiful. I’m excited to see you in October, enjoy the summer holiday and the rest of the
school year.


The exchange was a great experience and also a great way how to spend time. I was quite afraid of it, but in the end it was wonderful. We spent a lot of time together and I think the relationships in our class got better.  The Irish students are awesome people and we had a lot of fun.


When I first time heard about the possibility of this exchange, I didn’t really want to do it. It was something new and I was little bit afraid of it. But in the end it was a great experience. I practised my English, made new friends, had a lot of great afternoons and got known better even my classmates. I am really glad that I was part of the program.


I really enjoyed the time Jonathan and the others from Ireland were staying here. We had a great time. I learned a lot about what is different in Ireland than in the Czech republic and I think Jonathan took a lot with him back too. We had a lot of fun with the rest of the group too. After the planned program we always went somewhere together and played some group games etc. I really cherished the time when they were here, it was always a lot of fun. I can’t wait to go over to Ireland in October.


Having a student from Ireland was a lot of fun for me. I really enjoyed learning about their culture and how things are different there. I liked spending time with them and learning new things. I feel that I have really improved my English skills. It was a great experience that I wouldn't hesitate to repeat. We had a good time all week.


The exchange was great. I met a lot of new interesting people.  I learned something about our culture and their culture. I enjoyed my free time in the city with great people. I hope our Irish friends enjoyed it too. I'm really looking forward to Ireland.


At first I was nervous because I was scared that I wouldn't get along with the Irish students but to my surprise I have found friends that I want to keep in my life forever. I'm glad that I participated in the exchange. It would be such a shame if I didn't. I met some of the nicest people and learned some pretty interesting facts as well. The memories I earned will stay with me forever!


Hello to our Irish friends,
thank you very much for coming here. I'm glad I got to know you all, it was fun. You're all very nice people. It's great that we're gonna see each other again, I can't wait for that. I hope you enjoyed your stay here as well.


The whole program was interesting. I enjoyed learning about the culture and traditions of another country. Some things were similar, others quite different. I enjoyed tasting the traditional dishes.

Adéla II

I really loved the visit of the Irish students. They were very friendly, talkative and nice. I’m looking forward to visiting Ireland and I hope it will be as good as their visit to Czech republic.



související články: výměna Erasmus Irsko anglický jazyk