
Memories forever > what Czech students said about the NO-CZ exchange.


... I´d like to say it was great experience for me to meet students from Norway. I learned a lot about sources of energy in Norway, also alternative ones. Great opportunity to get to know culture, Norwegian countryside, taste traditional food. Of course, it was about talking, tolerating people and their differences - you know, it can be quite hard to live in a foreign family with people you haven´t met before. But I really loved it.    (Zuzka Musilová)

                                                          ... our exchange was really amazing. I enjoyed it a lot. Beautiful country and program in Norway. In the Czech Republic it was different but I also liked it.

... amazing, amazing, amazing. That´s all that is needed to say. We met great people and we learned about  their nice lifestyle. Everything was worth it!   And it was all well- organized. Thank you.  (Vašek Vedral)

... Norwegian nature is something unforgettable. Those amazing heights - worth seeing it. I´ll also remember traditional wooden houses.

... it´s all about understanding each other, wherever you come from, tolerating different traditions, having fun together, working together ... and we managed that!

... the two weeks (one in Norway, one in Bohemia) were wonderful, enriching, full of various experiences... and also exhausting. Now I know our cultures are really different and it was beautiful to discover differences between our two nations and countries. In Norway I met kind people with whom I felt well.

... it was very nice to make new friends and find out about their culture and life style. I really enjoyed visit of Norwegian friends here in the Czech Republic. I recall breathtaking countryside in Norway and a really long walk to the top of the hill and of course, Ole´s smile. I would like to see these people again.

... Norwegian people are extremely nice, Norway is a wonderful country. The exchange was just superb.

...  discovering the beauty of Norwegian landscape - great! It was interesting to find out differences between Norwegian and Czech customs and habits.

... it was great experience. Very interesting to visit Norway. When Norwegians came down to the Czech Republic, it was a very nice week with nice people. I am still in contact with Norwegian friends now and I am looking forward to visit Norway again one day.

... it  took me a lot of time before I was able to talk to him. Later, I was really glad, when I made some sentences and my Norwegian friend understood everything. Some time after, mainly when we were tired, we learned to speak without words -  And it was the best of all!! Now I have forgotten many English and Norwegian words which he taught me. However, I´ll never forget the moments when he communicated using his charming smile and shining eyes.

... when being in Norway I didn´t feel quite sure about my English, I had a small problem with communication, but I think after this exchange my English improved.

... the exchange was really great. It would be great to see you again.

... the exchange with Norwegians was really super. And now, I´m always in contact with them. And they want to come back here to the Czech Republic, too.

... canoeing on the Vltava river was really good. I didn´t like the lecture in Temelín.

... Ole was the best of all - Keep smiling! I have no more to say.

... we enjoyed the exchange. We were very impressed by Norway.It´s a nice country. We felt really happy to make friends with Norwegian students. It was nice!

... two amazing weeks up there and down here - getting to know each other,finding out about two colourful cultures and different people. Memories forever!

... stunning waterfalls everywhere, agreeable people, stay in families - very interesting to see Norwegians´lifestyle, real friendship!

... Norway is a marvellous country, Norwegian people are very nice, but different from us ... All in all, it was very interesting experience.

... I think that exchanges like this one are a good way to meet new people with their culture. Very useful for practising your English skills.

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